I’m sure most of you have once thought about making an app or paying someone to make you an app. Well, I want to help you get started today. Unfortunately, you will need to know how to program and register as an iOS developer for $100 in order to publish your app. Therefore, I want to go over the basics today to help you get started on your own app.

To get started, you have to know the basics of programming. There are five major things about programming that you will need to know about: variables, functions, loops, conditionals, and arrays.

  • Variables are instances which we can define as numbers, characters, or strings. Strings are lists of characters that basically function to display messages and text.
  • Functions are methods you can create or are already created in order for your program to be able to do something. You have to give instructions to the computer in functions so that the machine may understand what you’re referring to.
  • Loops are reoccurring iterations of instructions that infinitely loop through the code you wrote in the loop until a condition is met. It is often used to make your code as efficient as it can be.
  • Conditionals are conditions that you make that has a result value of true or false. This way you can construct logic in your code and tell the computer what to do if something is true or not.
  • Arrays are collections of memory that can store many variables like a list, which is useful in storing data in a database.

Though I did not specifically cover much these topics, you now know more about programming than the general population. If this motivates you, look at my other blog about how to get started on programming so you can continue to make your own app. After you feel confident enough, take a look at this website and continue forward in making your own app. Don’t let the supposed difficulty of programming put you down, it is merely a language you learn to voice your opinions and your ideas. So go put your ideas out there where it belongs!